• A woman is sitting on the deck of a ferry and is having a look to the camera.
  • An old villa is seen, sourounded by a lot of old and big trees.
  • An old, small and wooden boat is driving in front of a forest.

Eastern archipelago route

Experience the breathtaking beauty of Eastern Helsinki

The Eastern Island Route is Helsinki's only internal water transport route from the mainland to the mainland. During the trip, you will experience authentic island life and, once there, the natural experiences of East Helsinki. The route takes you to the Helsinki archipelago, where other public vessels rarely go to. The trip includes a passage through the Degerö channel and the small islands of Kallahdenselkä. In Vuosaari, Aurinkolahti beach, Kallahdenniemi and Uutelan Nature Park await you.

Coffee cup

During the cruise, snacks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are available in the ship's café.

Ferry Lines

Favourite spots: the Degerö (Laajasalo) canal, Kivisaari, Vartiosaari


The cruise takes approximately 1 h 45 minutes each way. 
The duration also depends on the destination you are visiting.

  • Tickets can only be purchased on the spot from the waterbus crew. Please pay with card. If paying by cash, please reserve an exact amount of money.
  • We do not carry objects longer than 2 meters on board. We do not carry building materials unless otherwise agreed.
Dolphin gray

What you get with one ticket:

Two women are on a raft, and one of them is being given directions.
  • Enjoy Eastern Helsinki's beauty: during the journey, you’ll get to explore parts of Helsinki's archipelago that other route or sightseeing boats typically don’t visit.
  • Spend your day exploring Kivisaari or Vartiosaari.
Two women are sitting on the railing of a boat, enjoying a drink.
  • Sun deck: enjoy the weather and the stunning scenery of the archipelago
  • Indoor space: comfortable area where you can relax and enjoy the scenery, sheltered from the weather
  • On-board café: a wide range of drinks and refreshments

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